
Your Support Helps Preserve and Promote Colonial History

Since 1892, a core belief of the Society’s membership has been education. Your tax-deductible donations further the legacy of our membership, past and present, in making sure our mission continues.

CLICK HERE to make a donation to support the General Society of Colonial Wars through the Colonial Quest or with a general donation.

Remember the Purpose

The above phrase was the rally cry of Honorary Governor General Gerald Gettys Tyrrell and in truth has been the guiding principal of every generation of your fellow Warriors. The Society’s legacy of activities dates to 1895 and the erection of the Louisbourg Monument. Today it continues on with such programs as the Samuel Victor Constant Scholarship program and the digitization of our archival collection. Your generous support of the General Society is the key to this continued success. Please take a moment to join your fellow Warriors by using our convenient DONATION LINK.